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iPhone Applications

We’ll be joined by a representative from [CollegeKidApp|http://collegekidapp.com], a small organization devoted to creating applications for the iPhone and documenting the entire process on their blog. We’ll also be covering Geek News, as always.

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Three Wolves vs. Horrifying Child Robot

The geeks cover news, robots, and three wolves.

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Guns Don't Kill People, Robots Do

The Geeks discuss the Hubble Space Telescope, other geek news, and take your calls with questions and comments about technology.

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Smells Like Color Calibration

Son Do, from [Rods and Cones|http://www.rodsandcones.com/], a locally-based color calibration company, joins the geeks to talk about color, and why color calibration is so important for graphic artists.

“Son Do co-founded Rods and Cones, Inc., in 1996. He provides technical expertise and insight on color management and its integration into a digital workflow. His years spent in the trenches of color management’s emerging technologies have given him exposure to most color management products, in most industries, including design and advertising, prepress, printing, and digital photography. He has a BS in Bioengineering from the UC Berkeley and worked as researcher at Genentech, Inc.”

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Viruses and a Fast "Camera"

Ben, Al and Lyle are joined by Alex Sleeis to get an update on Conficker that nasty computer virus. We also chat about some news of the week and take calls.