OK Google, Tell the Patient to Say "Ah"

Dr. Dawn joins the Geeks to talk about technology in the medical sphere, the CIA spies on the US Senate, and the US gives up control of DNS. All of this and more in the Week in Geek while we take your calls on this episode of GeekSpeak.

ER doctors use Google Glass and QR codes to identify patients

A tech-savvy hospital in Boston developed a custom information-retrieval system for Google Glass, which lets ER doctors scan a QR code on the wall of each room to call up information about patients.

Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee calls for digital “Magna Carta”

Speaking with The Guardian earlier today, Sir Tim Berners-Lee described his belief that increasing government and corporate influence have strained the open architecture of the Web, jeopardizing the independence, neutrality, and freedom upon which the system was originally built.

1/3 US has not Broadband Choice

Continuing our theme on ISPs and Telcos.

Drone Flies Into Active Volcano

The civilian drone community has been abuzz today with video shot by a drone dodging scorching ejecta inside the rim of an active volcano. Kudos to Shaun O’Callaghan for capturing this incredible footage.

Monster Rare Yellow Hypergiant Star Discovered

HR 5171, the brightest star in the center of this wide-field image, is a yellow hypergiant, a very rare type of stars with only a dozen known in our galaxy.

Deal of the century: buy out the US coal industry for $50bn

What if Bloomberg, Branson and Grantham came together to buy out the coal industry, close and clean up the mines, retrain workers and accelerate the expansion of renewable energy?

Senators Okay With Spying On Citizens, But Outraged It Happened To Congress

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), a staunch defender of government surveillance of ordinary citizens, took to the Senate floor Tuesday with the stunning accusation that the Central Intelligence Agency may have violated federal law to spy on Congress.

New measles cases confirmed in New York City

Residents from Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn have acquired measles, officials said. The outbreak remains centered in Northern Manhattan. Five hospitalizations have occurred as a result of this outbreak. Cases range in age from 3 months to 63 years.